District University IEEE Student Branch

District University IEEE Student Branch
Rama IEEE Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Motto Vive la Experiencia IEEE
Motto in English
Live the IEEE Experiencie
Type IEEE Student Branch
Established 1962
Students 160
Undergraduates 140
Postgraduates 20
Location Bogotá, Colombia
Campus Faculty of Engineering Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas
Website http://ieee.udistrital.edu.co/

The IEEE Student Branch of the District University of Bogotá is the first Colombian student branch affiliated with the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).[1] It is headquartered in the classroom 402 of the Faculty of Engineering of the District University of Bogotá, and is in continuous operation since October 16, 1962.

Currently it has 11 active chapters, and also has affinity group Women in Engineering WIE with the participation and support of the Chair of the Life Members Affinity Group in Colombia.[2][3]


The request to establish a Student Branch of Institute of Radio Engineers (Institute Radio Engineers) in the District University of Bogotá was sent on September 12, 1962, at the initiative of Professor Kazys Gabriunas and student Francisco Fidel Rueda. The request was approved by the Executive Council of the Institute of Radio Engineers on October 16, 1962 and the confirmation was sent to the Dean of the Faculty on 24 October, for the Director of IRE Emily Sirjane. Later, with the fusion of IRE and American Institute of Electrical Engineers (American Institute of Electrical Engineers), the student branch was included in IEEE.

The lead manager of this work was Professor Kazys Gabriunas, born in Lithuania in 1911, who as first counselor teacher, worked on behalf of the Branch, both in its administrative part and its operative part, encouraging students, led for that was its first president, now engineer Marco GV, to participate in various activities.

At the beginning of the 1980s, the closure of the District University of Bogotá led the Committee members to manage the academy outside the classroom, and continue to operate, despite the closure of the university.

Over fifty years, the branch has worked directly in the formation of new Student Branches (UPTC Sogamoso, Universidad El Bosque, Universidad Sur Colombiana USCO, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, among others) and has remained in force in the context of national and regional IEEE.

Active Chapters

Student chapters represent each of the topics on which works the technical society IEEE. Along these years, student branch of District University of Bogotá has had students who have been linked of the following student chapters:

  • Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Chapter
  • Circuits and Systems Society Chapter
  • Communications Society Chapter
  • Computer Society Chapter
  • Control Systems Society Chapter
  • Electron Devices Society Chapter
  • Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Chapter
  • The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Chapter
  • Industry Applications Society Chapter
  • Power Electronics Society Chapter
  • Power & Energy Society Chapter
  • Robotics and Automation Society Chapter

Affinity Groups

Women in Engineering

WIE-UD is an affinity group that is part of the IEEE volunteer, it’s a place where men a women work to generated innovative proposals to promote the participation of women in science and engineering, through social projects that look for the humanizing of it. WIE-UD has among its main objectives; contribute to building a more equitable society, this is done though his work with early childhood, for the group stage is a cornerstone for the development of upright people, stage for the group constitute a cornerstone for the development of upright people, then your dream is to create an atmosphere where messages of coexistence that promotes teamwork and problem solving are transmitted.[4]

The activities carried out this affinity group are classified into two types of projects: TISP activities and STAR Activities

Project Activities TISP (Teacher In-Service Program)

TISP is a program that gives them the opportunity to volunteer IEEE those who intend to demonstrate the capabilities and application of concepts in engineering, science and mathematics to educators and future students university. To launch this project, workshops are held in schools by members of WIE to be presented to students pursuing subjects of medium / vocational level with the aim of encouraging the study of careers focused on science and engineering.

Project Activities STAR (Student – Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist)

STAR is a program that extends in academy, given the concern that exists to show that at an early age girls are not animated to study careers as math, science and engineering; for this promoted program with the participation of IEEE members in different schools this educational outreach program promotes participation of members of the IEEE with local schools and local high schools in order to create a positive image of engineering careers.[5]

Life Members

Among the teachers of the university, the branch has the Engineer Julio Cesar Garcia, Chair of the Life Members Affinity Group Colombia. A peculiarity of this affinity group is that its members must be at least 65 years old and have been a member of IEEE or one of its predecessor companies for a period such that the sum of their age and years of membership is equal to or greater 100 years.

Last years

In recent years the branch has been organizing different events of international scope, including the Branches Regional Reunion, the Workshop on Engineering Applications (WEA) and the Robotic Championship "Robot al Parque", a robotics competition that began in 2005 and which in 2015, was honored as a success case nationally by IEEE Section Colombia. The objective of this competition is to stimulate the development of robotics in Colombia, and their volunteers have participated in both technical and non-technical events IEEE around the world.

Robot al Parque

Logo Robot al Parque 2015

The IEEE student branch of the District University of Bogotá has organized for nine years in a row the robot event in order to promote the knowledge, creation and development of technologies in the Colombian context. In this event, seeks to create an impact in the academic community, participants and attendees about the importance of research and technological development, robotic level in Colombia.[6] The University achieved in this event show the projects of his students, not only in the field of robotics but also in the areas of logistics problem solving, among others.

By 2015, the overall objective of the event is to provide students of primary and secondary education, college, professional, investigator and amateur a space of dissemination of knowledge and experiences that generate a work culture and development in robotics projects national level. Through this initiative, seen as a space of dissemination of knowledge and experience, it seeks to encourage participants from each of the categories, challenging them to achieve the objectives of competition; through teamwork, developing their creativity and ingenuity to arouse interest and stimulate research in the area of technology and computing.[7]

Due to host and organize the event in 2013, the chapter Control Systems, received the Student Enterprise Award for organizing the event.

Research Group

Due to the research vocation of each of the chapters, the branch has a "Semillero" of research linked to the Centre for Research and Scientific Development of the University District In this group, students articulate their research projects with the objective to develop their graduation projects in the best way possible, always guided by the teachers linked to the branch.[8]

This type of spaces allow the participation of students in developing research projects of different nature, favoring participation in the diagnosis of social reality, strengthening the research capability for the taking decisions and promoting young research capacity.[9]

See also


  1. "Oficial Directory of Student Branches". IEEE Colombian Section.
  2. "Local IEEE Women in Engineering Involvement Opportunities". IEEE.
  3. "IEEE Life Members Affinity Groups". IEEE.
  4. "IEEE Women in Engineering". IEEE.
  5. "IEEE STAR: A Mentoring Program". IEEE.
  6. "Student Branches Recognition". IEEE Colombian Section.
  8. "Semilleros de Investigación Universidad Distrital". District University.
  9. "Semilleros de Investigación". Universidad Libre de Colombia Seccional Cucuta.
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