Det sovande folket

The Sleeping People
Author Fredrik Reinfeldt
Original title Det sovande folket
Country Sweden
Language Swedish
Subject Politics
Published 1993
Publisher Moderate Youth League
Pages 124
ISBN 91-86194-10-0

Det sovande folket (Swedish: [deː ²soːvandɛ ˈfɔlkɛt], The Sleeping People) is a book written in 1993 by Fredrik Reinfeldt, later Prime Minister of Sweden, and published by the Moderate Youth League.

Written when the early 1990s banking crisis was deepest, the book argues for abandoning the general welfare state in Sweden, for sharp tax cuts, and for the rollback of the state's involvement in education, law, culture, and the media:

The Swedes are mentally handicapped and indoctrinated to believe that politicians can create and guarantee welfare.[1][2][3][4]

In the first chapter the author presents a dystopian vision of the future. Later chapters detail the Moderates' plan of action, its implementation in daily life, and its moral basis. The last chapter presents examples from real life.

Social Democratic leader Mona Sahlin at the 2009 party congress recommended reading the book, not as a book to be inspired by, but to understand the bourgeois ideology.

In 2013 a theater group adapted Det sovande folket to the stage, which renewed discussion of the book.[1][5][2][6][7][8][9][10][11][6][7][3]


  1. 1 2 Nyheter, SVT. "Premiär för Fredrik Reinfeldts dystopi".
  2. 1 2 "Den zzzovande Fredrik Reinfeldt".
  3. 1 2 "Reinfeldt, prata med oss om "Det sovande folket"".
  4. Reinfeldt, F.: Det sovande folket, Moderata ungdomsförbundet ( ISBN 91-86194-10-0) (p. 52)
  5. "Pjäsen klär av Reinfeldt".
  6. 1 2 "Ekon från 90-talet - Ledarbloggen".
  7. 1 2 "Sveriges kvalitetssajt för nyheter".
  8. "Sveriges kvalitetssajt för nyheter".
  9. "Vänstervalkampanj på teaterscenen".
  10. Nyheter, SVT. ""Det sovande folket" spelas fram till valdagen".
  11. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2013-12-26. Retrieved 2016-12-05.

See also

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