Democratic Party (Italy) leadership election, 2019

Democratic Party leadership election, 2019

February 2019

Nominee Nicola Zingaretti Matteo Richetti
Party Democratic Party Democratic Party

Nominee Cesare Damiano Francesco Boccia
Party Democratic Party Democratic Party

Secretary before election

Maurizio Martina

Elected Secretary


The 2019 Democratic Party leadership election will be an open primary election which will be held in February 2019.[1][2][3]

Electoral process

Candidates were required to file their candidacies at least one month before.[4][5]

Local and provincial conventions then take place all around the country, where party members vote on the candidates for secretary. Under party rules, the candidates who receive the support of at least the 15% of voting party members in local conventions, or the three most voted candidates above 5% of the vote, qualify for the second round of the race and have the chance to present their platform at the national convention.

The candidates who will run in an open primary will be declared at the national convention. Voters will also elect the national assembly of the party and the regional secretaries and assemblies. If no candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, a run-off between the two candidates with the most votes will take place in the national assembly, scheduled within two weeks after the primary election.[6]


In the 2018 general election the Democratic Party, led by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, obtained its worst result ever: 18.7% of the vote, well behind the Five Star Movement (32.7%) and narrowly ahead of the League (17.4%). Following his party's defeat, Renzi resigned from secretary and his deputy Maurizio Martina started functioning as acting secretary.[7]

After two months of negotiations and the refusal of the PD refused to join forces with the M5S,[8] the latter and the League formed a yellow-green government, under Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, a M5S-proposed independent. The PD thus returned to opposition after virtually seven years and experienced some internal turmoil as its internal factions started to re-position themselves in the new context. Both Paolo Gentiloni and Dario Franceschini distanced from Renzi,[9] while Carlo Calenda, a former minister in Renzi's and Gentiloni's governments who had joined the party soon after the election,[10] proposed to merge the PD into a larger "republican front".[11][12] However, according to several observers, Renzi's grip over the party was still strong and he was still the PD's leader behind the scenes.[13][14] In July 2018 Martina was elected secretary by the party's national assembly and a new leadership election was scheduled for the first semester of 2019.[15]

On 7 July 2018, the President of Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, announced his intention to run as party's secretary.[16][17] Zingaretti was a former member of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), who served as leader of the Left Youth, the youth-wing of the PDS.[18] He is considered a social democrat and one of the most prominent members of the PD's left-wing;[19] for his leftist ideas, some journalists and political analysts compared him to Jeremy Corbyn.[20][21] Zingaretti's campaign was based on a social democratic platform, whose aim was to abandon the social liberal and centrist policies promoted by Matteo Renzi and to move the Democratic Party more on the left.[22] The campaign's main themes were social justice and fight to economic inequality.[23][24]

On 4 October, Senator Matteo Richetti, who between 2017 and 2018 served as Spokesman of the PD, announced his bid for party’s leadership.[25][26] He was a former member of The Daisy (DL) and a close advisor of Matteo Renzi, however he later assumed a more critical view on his premiership.[27] Richetti is considered a centrist and social liberal politician; he is also the leader of Harambee, a PD faction founded in April 2018 with roots in the Christian left.[28]

On 6 October, Cesare Damiano, former Minister of Labour in the second government of Romano Prodi, announced his candidacy as party's secretary.[29] Damiano is a democratic socialist and former trade unionist. He has often been strongly against the policies promoted by the previous party's leadership and he wants to bring back the party on the left-wing.[30][31] However, on the same day of the announcement, he added that he could withdraw his candidacy, following an agreement with Zingaretti.[32]

On 8 October, Francesco Boccia, an economist and member of the Chamber of Deputies since 2008, presented his candidacy as new party's secretary.[33] Boccia has been a long-time opponent of Matteo Renzi and Paolo Gentiloni and a close advisor of Michele Emiliano, current governor of Apulia region and former candidate in the 2017 leadership election.[34] Boccia has always supported an alliance between the PD and the Five Star Movement, which was opposed by all the other candidates.[35]


Declared candidates

Portrait Name Most recent position Campaign logo Announced Refs
Nicola Zingaretti
(1965– )
President of Lazio

7 July 2018 [36][37]
Matteo Richetti
(1974– )
Member of the Senate of the Republic

4 October 2018 [38][39]
Cesare Damiano
(1948– )
Member of the Chamber of Deputies

6 October 2018 [40][41]
Francesco Boccia
(1968– )
Member of the Chamber of Deputies

8 October 2018 [42][43]

Potential candidates


Vote by party members

Candidate Votes %
Nicola Zingaretti 0 0.00
Matteo Richetti 0 0.00
Cesare Damiano 0 0.00
Francesco Boccia 0 0.00
Total valid votes   100.0
Invalid/blank votes
Total votes 100.0
Popular vote

Primary election

Candidate Votes %
Nicola Zingaretti 0 0.00
Matteo Richetti 0 0.00
Cesare Damiano 0 0.00
Francesco Boccia 0 0.00
Total valid votes   100.0
Invalid/blank votes
Total votes 100.0
Popular vote


  1. Martina segretario a tempo primarie all’inizio del 2019
  2. Il Pd avvia nuova fase: Martina segretario. Primarie il 24 febbraio 2019
  3. Pd, Martina: "Primarie a gennaio". Calenda invita Renzi, Minniti e Gentiloni: "No a sottomissione ai 5Stelle"
  4. I documenti del congresso
  5. Al via il percorso congressuale. Ecco l'ordine di lista dei candidati
  6. Pd: Renzi, congresso con regole del 2013
  7. Renzi, ecco la lettera di dimissioni. La guida del partito va a Martina
  8. Direzione Pd: "No a governi con centrodestra e M5S". Pieni poteri a Martina ma a tempo
  9. Pd, Franceschini: “Abbiamo il dovere di tenere aperto il dialogo con il M5s. Li abbiamo spinti nelle braccia di Salvini”
  10. Carlo Calenda lancia la sfida: "Mi iscrivo al Pd"
  11. Carlo Calenda (Pd): 'Bisogna andare oltre il Pd serve un movimento più ampio'
  12. Pd, Calenda lancia il manifesto del Fronte Repubblicano: "Cinque idee per ricostruire"
  13. Pd, il pallino resta in mano a Renzi
  14. Assemblea Pd, Renzi non molla il partito: “Non vado via. Ci rivedremo al congresso e perderete di nuovo”
  15. Pd, Martina nuovo segretario. Renzi contestato. Zingaretti: "Non ascolta, è un limite enorme"
  16. Pd, Zingaretti: «Mi candido alla segreteria. Renzi non ascolta e non ha argomenti»
  17. Zingaretti: "Mi candido: scenderò in campo. M5S? Dobbiamo fare politica"
  18. See article Questo PD è da cambiare (in Italian).
  19. Pd, Zingaretti pronto a correre per la segreteria. Orlando sta con lui. Calenda: “Fronte Repubblicano oltre attuali partiti”
  20. E Zinagretti lancia il cantiere per costruire la sinistra "alla Corbyn"
  21. Se diventa segretario Zingaretti, per il PD sarebbe l'indietro tutta
  22. Zingaretti: Voglio ricostruire valori e classe politica. La sinistra deve ritrovare il modo di difendere I diritti
  23. Pd, scende in campo Zingaretti: ecco come cambiano gli equilibri nel partito
  24. Zingaretti: "Mi candido: scendero' in campo. M5S? Dobbiamo fare politica"
  25. Matteo Richetti: «Mi candido a guidare il Pd. Riparto dai giovani, oggi non ci filano»
  26. Richetti si candida segretario PD: "Ma con primarie aperte"
  27. Richetti, l’antirenziano che si finge renziano
  28. Pd, Richetti: “Servono primarie aperte”. E sul renzismo: “Riformismo va rilanciato. Ma il futuro del Pd non può essere il suo passato”
  29. Pd, proposte LabDem per congresso. Damiano: non escludo candidarmi
  30. Cesare Damiano ad Adria, l'anti-Renzi è come Corbyn
  31. Congresso Pd, la strategia di Renzi: non far vincere nessuno. In campo anche Cesare Damiano
  32. Cesare Damiano – Twitter
  33. Pd, Boccia: "Mi candido alla segreteria, basta partito dei selfie"
  34. Da dove viene Francesco Boccia e dove vorrebbe portare il Pd (con l'aiuto di Emiliano)
  35. Francesco Boccia si candida per la segreteria Pd. "Dialogo con M5S"
  36. Farò un Pd diverso
  37. Un campo democratico largo, ma chiaro contro i seminatori d'odio. Non bastiamo da soli
  38. Richetti c’è
  39. Pd, Richetti si candida alla segreteria nazionale
  40. Damiano e Labdem cercano di riportare a sinistra il partito
  41. Anche Damiano si candida alla segreteria del Pd
  42. Primarie, si candida anche Boccia: «Il Pd va rivoltato, io sono pronto»
  43. Pd, Francesco Boccia si candida alla segreteria dal mercato: “Devo rivoltare il partito dalla testa ai piedi”
  44. Teresa dei popoli
  45. Un bivio per Bonaccini: Regione o segreteria Pd
  46. Pd, Maria Elena Boschi possibile candidata alle primarie: i renziani verso il suicidio
  47. Carlo Calenda futuro Segretario PD? Lo scenario possibile
  48. PD, Delrio: "Renzi di nuovo candidato alla segreteria? Meglio di no"
  49. Pd: Emiliano, io candidato? Vediamo
  50. Otto possibili candidati per un congresso Pd senza data
  51. Pd, assemblea nazionale il 21 aprile. E Martina si candida segretario
  52. La sfida di Minniti
  53. Il centrosinistra in cerca di leader. E ora spunta il nome di Saviano
  54. Debora Serracchiani pronta a candidarsi nel Pd
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