Brazil–Germany relations

Brazil–Germany relations


Diplomatic Mission
Embassy of Brazil, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Brasília

The relations between Brazil and Germany are the diplomatic relations between the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany. Brazil has an embassy in Berlin and consulates in Frankfurt and Munich, and Germany has an embassy in Brasília and consulates in Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.


Brazilian Embassy building in Berlin
Brazilian President Venceslau Brás declaring war against the German Empire and allies By his side, former president and interim Minister of External Relations, Nilo Peçanha, and the state president of Minas Gerais and future Brazilian president, Delfim Moreira.
Angela Merkel and Dilma Rousseff during a lunch at Itamaraty Palace (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

Bilateral relations between the two countries date back to 1824, when German settlers established in Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In 1825 Prussia recognized Brazilian independence, and in 1826 the Brazilian Consulate was established in Hamburg .

In 1859, Prussia proclaimed the Heydt Rescript, forbidding the propaganda for immigration to Brazil, due to the mistreatment of German settlers in the province of São Paulo. The rescript was unfavorable for potential emigrants in Prussia, and from 1871 on, in all Germany. The decree was revoked only in 1896. In 1900, José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco, is named as envoy to Berlin.[1]

World War I

Brazil suspended relations with Germany and declared war against the German Empire during the government of President Venceslau Brás, on October 27, 1917, months after Brazilian merchant vessels being sunk by German submarines.

World War II

When Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, starting World War II, Brazil declared itself neutral. The neutrality was broken when German submarines torpedoed Brazilian vessels off the country's shores. In 1942 Brazil broke down relations with the Axis powers and acknowledged a "state of belligerance".

After the war

After World War II the relations between both countries were reestablished on July 1951, when the German Embassy was built in Rio de Janeiro .

2013 was the Year of Germany in Brazil.[2]

In 2015, Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Brazil with an entourage of seven ministers and five State secretaries to begin a "intergovernamental consultance" process between both countries. Germany keeps this relationship with other eight nations (France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Israel, Russia, China and India).[3]


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