Anton Apriantono

Anton Apriantono (born Serang, Banten; October 5, 1959) is an Indonesian academician who was Indonesia's Minister of Agriculture[1] between October 2004 and October 2009.[2] He studied at the University of Reading and currently is a faculty in Department of Food Science and Technology at Bogor Agricultural University.

Apriantono is also the President commissioner of Tiga Pilar.[3][4]


  1. "The former Minister and Indonesian Photography Leader 2018, Holds . (translated)". Tribun Bali. Tribun Bali. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  2. "ndonesian Coffee Board Officially Formed (translated)". Republika Online. Republika Online. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  3. "Respond to AGM Confusion, Three Pillar Employees (AISA) Convey ..." Tribun Jambi. Tribun Jambi. Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  4. "Indonesian rice executive arrested over mislabeling scandal". Nikkei Asian Review. Nikkei Asian Review. Retrieved 21 September 2018.

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