
Afek (Hebrew: אֲפֵק) is a Hebrew word that can refer to a number of places in the biblical Land of Israel.

  • Aphek (biblical) refers to a number of sites with the same name mentioned in the Bible
  • Aphik (Asher) one of the biblical sites belonging to the Tribe of Asher
    • Aphaca, a city in classical Syria believed by some to be the Asherite city:
      • Afka, a modern town at the site in Lebanon
    • Tel Afek, a site located near Haifa believed by some to be the Asherite city
      • Afek, a kibbutz located at the Tel near Haifa
  • Another site known as Tel Afek or Antipatris, near Petah Tikva and Rosh HaAyin
  • Migdal Afek, also near Rosh HaAyin Majdal Yaba
  • Aphek Turris also refers to Majdal Yaba
  • A site in the Golan Heights:
    • Fiq, Syria, a former Syrian village at the Tel
    • Afik, a current Israeli settlement and kibbutz at the Tel
    • Fiq Airfield, a small civilian airfield near the settlement/kibbutz
  • Afek Oil & Gas, a subsidiary of Genie Energy Ltd. and controls Genie Energy Ltd.'s oil and gas exploratory project in Northern Israel, including the Golan Heights region
  • Afikim, a kibbutz in the Galilee nearby, but unrelated to the Golan Heights site

Also Afek (mythology), a cultural heroine in some Papuan groups' mythology (e.g. the Urapmin people)

See also

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