Administrative divisions of Sumy Oblast

Raions of Sumy Oblast. The city of Sumy is shown in dark blue.

Sumy Oblast is subdivided into 24 regions: 17 districts (raions) and 7 city municipalities (mis'krada or misto), officially known as territories governed by city councils.[1]

Administrative divisions

  • Cities under the oblast's jurisdiction:
  • Districts (raions):
    • Bilopillia (Білопільський район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Mykolaivka (Миколаївка), formerly Zhovtneve[1]
        • Ulianivka (Улянівка)
    • Buryn (Буринський район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
    • Hlukhiv (Глухівський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Esman (Есмань), formerly Chervone[1]
        • Shalygyne (Шалигине)
    • Konotop (Конотопський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Duboviazivka (Дубов'язівка)
    • Krasnopillia (Краснопільський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Krasnopillia (Краснопілля)
        • Ugroidy (Угроїди)
    • Krolevets (Кролевецький район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
    • Lebedyn (Лебединський район)
    • Lypova Dolyna (Липоводолинський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Lypova Dolyna (Липова Долина)
    • Nedryhailiv (Недригайлівський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Nedryhailiv (Недригайлів)
        • Terny (Терни)
    • Okhtyrka (Охтирський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Chupakhivka (Чупахівка)
    • Putyvl (Путивльський район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
    • Romny (Роменський район)
    • Seredyna-Buda (Середино-Будський район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Znob-Novhorodske (Зноб-Новгородське)
    • Shostka (Шосткинський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Voronizh (Вороніж)
    • Sumy (Сумський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Khotin (Хотінь)
        • Nyzy (Низи)
        • Stepanivka (Степанівка)
    • Trostianets (Тростянецький район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
    • Velyka Pysarivka (Великописарівський район)
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Kyrykivka (Кириківка)
        • Velyka Pysarivka (Велика Писарівка)
    • Yampil (Ямпільський район)
      • Cities and towns under the district's jurisdiction:
      • Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
        • Svesa (Свеса)
        • Yampil (Ямпіль)


  1. 1 2 3 Чисельність наявного населення України (PDF) (in Ukrainian). State Service of Statistics. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 July 2016. Retrieved 20 July 2016.
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