
The suffix -ane is used in organic chemistry to form names of organic compounds where the -C-C- group has been attributed the highest priority according to the rules of organic nomenclature. This type of Organic compounds are called as alkanes. They are saturated hydrocarbons.

The hydrides of Silicon are called silanes SiH4.

The hydrides of Boron are called boranes B2H6.

The names of the saturated hydrides of non-metals end with the suffix -ane

The final "-e" disappears if it is followed by a suffix that starts with a vowel, e.g. "propanol".[1]

Alternatively, it may refer to a mononuclear hydride of an element. For instance, methane for CH4 and oxidane for H2Owater. [2] For the etymology of the term, see Alkane.


  1. The Commission on the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (1971) [1958 (A: Hydrocarbons, and B: Fundamental Heterocyclic Systems), 1965 (C: Characteristic Groups)]. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (3rd combined ed.). London: Butterworths. ISBN 0-408-70144-7.
  2. A Guide to IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, IUPAC, Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, 1993

See also

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