< XML - Managing Data Exchange

XML - Managing Data Exchange
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The following people have recorded their contribution to the development of this book.

Active Contributors

The following Wikibookians are actively editing this Wikibook, as of January 28, 2007. All participants in the project are welcome to add their name, email address, contribution, and affiliation to the following list. Please keep the list in alphabetical order, based on last name.

  • Robert Foley (user page) (email)

Previous Contributors

The following Wikibookians have contributed to this Wikibook before January 2007. These include students from the University of Georgia who began writing this book for a course in Advanced Data Management, as part of a Master's degree in Internet Technology.

Name Role Affiliation
Frantz Johan Agerbo Author: CSS
Editor: RSS
UGA Exchange student from Agder University College, Norway
Jan Helge Austboe Author: RSS
Editor: CSS
UGA Exchange student from Agder University College, Norway
Sabrina Ebright Author: XSL Stylesheets
Editor: Schemas
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Ricardo A Fernandez Author: VoiceXML
Editor: SVG
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Hendrik Fischer (email) Author: Parsing XML Files
Editor: DocBook
Artificial Intelligence Center, University of Georgia
Charles W. Franks (email) Author: OpenOffice.org & OpenDocument Format UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Joshua Griffis Author: The one-to-one relationship UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Rusen Gul (email) Author: DocBook
Editor: VoiceXML
MBA 2004, University of Georgia
Michael Lodick (email) Author: Web Services
Editor: XUL
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Shirley Loh Author: One-to-Many
Editor: Single Entity
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Sascha Meissner (email) Author: RDF UGA study abroad student
Martin-Luther-University Halle, Germany
M. Chris Neglia (email) Author: SyncML and SMIL
Editor: Web Services
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Benjamin Oakes (user page) Editor: CSS University of Iowa Computer Science student
Danny Popov Author: Chapter 6
Editor: Chapter 4
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Farnaz Rabbani Author: Single Entity
Editor: Parsing XML Files
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Devin Ramo Author: Contributions to Chapters 2-6
Editor: Overall site, Chapters 1 - 15
UGA Management Information Systems student
Anne Rayborn Howard Author: XHTML
Editor: XPATH
UGA Master of Internet Technology student
Stephen Pavlik (email) Author: XUL is COOL
Editor: XHTML
UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
Rick Watson (email) (website) Author: Chapter 1
University of Georgia
Madeleine Wyatt Author: SVG UGA Masters of Internet Technology student
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