< XML - Managing Data Exchange

Feel free to add your suggestions to this list of improvements. If you complete one of the tasks, please place strike through the comment using <strike></strike> tags.

Current To-Dos (January 28, 2007 and later)

  1. Add template to all subpages, using the following code: {{XML-MDE}}
  2. Come up with a better design for template.
  3. Make sure navigation links are added to the top of every chapter. (Navigation fixed in book template)
  4. Group chapters by topic -- any suggestions for grouping schemes?
    1. I was thinking "Principles of XML," "Languages derived from XML," and "XML in Applications" (the last category referencing mainly AJAX) -- Runnerupnj
  5. Provide links from a chapter to the exercises it covers, and vice-versa.
  6. Mend links to previous module main page.
  7. Separate exercise questions and answers.
  8. Break chapters into shorter sections.
  9. Create a glossary with links from within the book.
  10. Create a Ajax Page. - There is no page here for Ajax help with XML!
    1. We can link the AJAX book here.
  11. Create a PDF version available from Wikibooks

To-Dos Previous to January 28, 2007

These to-dos remained from before the project was reinvigorated, and rested for a brief period on the Talk page. -- Runnerupnj 08:41, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

The list is in no particular priority

  1. Convert all code examples to the format specified in Author guidelines
  2. A print version to make reading easier
  3. Breaking chapters into shorter sections
  4. Hints for common problems (hint box)
    1. FAQs
    2. a "Common Errors" section near the exercise section. That way when future students run into problems in the exercises, especially the stylesheets, they can hopefully find a common error and fix their problem quickly
  5. Glossary with links from within the book
  6. Chapter 2 on XHTML (move later chapter and make complete)
  7. Exercises and answers on separate pages (tell people how to open a second copy and use it – end of chapter 1)
  8. Good XML editor
  9. Check all answers (also indicate who validated the answer with person’s email)
  10. Major league baseball exercise
    1. Develop an XML schema to show the organization of Major League Baseball. There are many teams within MLB and the teams are all composed of different athletes.
    2. Set up the XML Document with a Division of either the American League or the National League. Enter a representative data into the document to justify your answer.
    3. Organize the XML stylesheet to nicely display the data.
  11. Move all Java parsing to a separate chapter
  12. Write BlueJ as per database access for XML parsing
  13. Move exercise 4 from chapter 3 (one-to-many relationship) and place it in chapter 5 (many-to-many relationship). My reason for this is as follows:
  14. This problem asks you to create a personal library. As we learned earlier a library can have many books and books have many copies. There can be many different people who check out books, however, what they actually check out are copies of books making this a many-to-many relationship since a borrower can check out many copies of a book. I feel like this exercise is a little misleading and would be better off in ch. 5. Most people who have had any experience in data modeling and are trying to learn XML from this book would be confused by this exercise (i.e. myself). It's hard to do something that you haven't learned how to do yet.
  15. Comments in the code and not elsewhere
  16. Instead of giving a complete explanation for an example of an xml/xls/xsd after the problem, explain each piece of the code as you go through it. Or after a given solution, repeat the entire line of code that you are trying to explain. I've found this layout in other technology related books, and it has been easier to follow along. Also, when referring to a table or different section of the book, create a bookmark or link to that section. Could this be in the instructions for authors and what else could we add.
  17. Instructions on how to convert XML to HTML with NetBeans and any other editor
  18. Convert all slides to DocBook slide format
  19. Chapter on XQuery
  20. Chapter on Lenya
  21. Spellcheck the book on a regular basis
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