Welcome to the Vietnamese textbook! This book will teach you to speak, read, and write in Vietnamese, and understand Vietnamese culture.

Chào mừng các bạn đến với sách giáo khoa tiếng Việt. Sách này sẽ dạy bạn đọc, nói, và viết tiếng Việt, và hiểu về văn hoá Việt.



This is a draft of the lesson plans. You can discuss these plans here. The second draft of this book is also being planned here.



Chúng ta học tiếng Việt nhé - Let's Learn Vietnamese



  • Lesson 11: Chuyên chở (Transportation)
  • Lesson 12: Gọi điện thoại (Telephoning)
  • Lesson 13: Mua sắm (Shopping)
  • Lesson 14: Đi chợ (Going to the market)
  • Lesson 15: Nhà hàng, khách sạn (Restaurant, Hotel)
  • Lesson 16: Bệnh viện (Hospital)
  • Lesson 17: Du lịch (Travel)
  • Lesson 18: Thể thao (Sport)
  • Lesson 19: Dịch vụ (Services)
  • Lesson 20: Báo chí, truyền hình (Media)



Từ vựng - Vocabulary

Grammar in Use

  • Sentence Word Order
  • Structural formation of words
  • Parts of speech
  • Nouns
  • Classifier
  • Personal pronouns
  • Structural formation of sentences
  • Predicative Noun
  • Predicative Adjective
  • Predicative Verbs
  • Numbers
  • Forming dates & times
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Dimension
  • Possession
  • Tense
    • Just recently-Just
    • Done
    • Intention
  • Can, May, Be able to, Perhaps, Maybe, Possibly
  • Should, Need, Want, Must/Have to
  • There is/are, To have/get
  • If
  • Frequency Adverb
  • Active and Passive voice
  • It's said that
  • Question tags
  • Yes, No Questions
  • Questions
  • Imperative Mood
  • Double complement sentence
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunction
  • Exclamation
  • Reduplication
  • Sino Vietnamese words
  • Oneself
  • Comparison
  • Relative Clause
  • Word usage
  • Ago, From here, Before, After
  • No, Not
  • Many, Few
  • All, Whole
  • Both...and
  • Every, Each, All
  • Every
  • Even
  • Anyway, Anyhow
  • Nobody/No one
  • Also, Too
  • Very
  • Only
  • Except/But
  • Apart from
  • Nothing at all
  • Result of an action
  • At once
  • Again
  • How Way Method
  • Each other, One another, Together
  • With/Together
  • To, So that, In order to


Văn hoá



  • Idioms
  • Verbs


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II This is a Category II Language.
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