< The Devonshire Manuscript

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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Syns so ye please to here me playnNow must I lerne to lyue at rest
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 53v

 f. [53v] 

1    Yf in the worlde there be more woo
2    then I haue now with{w+t+}in my hart
3    where so yt ys yt dothe come froo
4    & in my brest there dothe yt groo
5    ffor to encresse my smart
6    alas I am receyte of euer{u'}y care
7    {p+}{es} and of my lyfe eche sorowe claymes hys parte
8    who lyst to lyue in quyetnes
9    by me let hym be ware
10    for I by gret dysdayn
11    am made with{w+t+}owt redresse
12    & vnkyndnes hathe slayn
13    a symple hart all comfortles



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H6 and is unique to this manuscript. This sonnet describes the speaker's woe due to his beloved's unkindness and disdain for him.

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