< The Devonshire Manuscript

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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As power & wytt wyll me AssystPacyence of all my smart
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 20v

 f. [20v] 

1    Sum tyme I syghe sumtyme I syng
2    Sumtyme I lawghe . sumtyme mornynge
3    as one in dowte thys ys my ssayyng
4    have I dysplesyd yow in any thyng

5    Alake what aylythe you to be grevyd
6    Ryght sory am I that ye be mevyd
7    I am yor owne yf trewthe be prevyd
8    & by yor Dyspleasure as one myschevyd

9    When ye be mery than am I glad
10    When ye be sory than am I sad
11    Suche gra{gA}ce or fortune I wold I had
12    yow for to plese how euer{u'} I were bestad

13    When ye be mery why shuld I care
14    ye are my Ioye & my wellfare
15    I wyll you love I wyll not spare
16    into yowre pre{p'}sens as farr as I dare

17    All my poore hart & my love trew
18    Whyle lyff Dothe last I gyve yt yow
19    & yow to ser[[The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix_I:_Paleographic_Features|{{s}8}]] ve with{w+t+} ser[[The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix_I:_Paleographic_Features|{{s}8}]] vys Dew
20    and neuer{u'} to change yow for no new1


Notes & Glosses

     1. There is a resonance with the wording in "Hey Robyn Ioly Robyn tell me" on 24r.
     2. It is possible that the character on the left is in the hand of Lady Margaret Douglas.


Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H2. The poem describes the speaker's doubt of his or her lover returning.

Works Cited

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