type checking



Composé de type et de checking.

Locution nominale

type checking
\ˈtaɪp ˌtʃɛk.ɪŋ\
type checkings
\ˈtaɪp ˌtʃɛk.ɪŋz\

type checking \ˈtaɪp ˌtʃɛk.ɪŋ\ généralement indénombrable

  1. (Programmation informatique) Système de vérification du type d’une variable.
    • Type checking is process of ensuring that the operands of an operator are of proper type or not, i.e., operands are legal for the operator or is converted into proper type according to rule. […] There are two types of type checking: […] Static type checking is done at compile time or during translation of a program. […] Dynamic type checking is done at run time or during execution of the program.  (Programming Languages - Design and Constructs, 2013, ISBN 9789381159415, pp. 24-25)

Apparentés étymologiques


  • dynamic type checking
  • static type checking
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