


c. 1570, du moyen néerlandais kwaksalver  colporteur de pommade »), issu du moyen néerlandais quacken  se vanter »).

Nom commun

\Prononciation ?\
\Prononciation ?\

quacksalver \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Archaïsme) Charlatan.
    • "Your Grace does not mean Dr. Wilderhead’s powder of projection?"
      "Pshaw! he is a quacksalver, and mountebank, and beggar."
       (Sir Walter Scott, Peveril of the Peak, ch. 38, 1822)
    • "I come before you, ladies and gentlemen, . . . to introduce to you what I call my Elixir Anthropos . . . ."
      . . . [H]e listened intently to the quack-salver’s address, and from time to time his eyes would twinkle and his lips curve in an ironic smile.
       (Jeffrey Farnol, The Broad Highway, ch. 34, 1910)
    • One is reminded of a familiar figure of medieval fairs, who survived long in this country [England], and perhaps still survives in remote districts—the quacksalver who hawks his infallible remedies from a wagon.  ("Town Criers," New York Times, p. E8, 2 octobre 1927)

Variantes orthographiques

  • quack-salver



  • quack
  • quacksalverism
  • quacksalvery


  • Cet article utilise des informations de l’article du Wiktionnaire en anglais, sous licence CC-BY-SA-3.0 : quacksalver.
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