


(Économie) Du Japon après 1991, caractérisé par la stagnation économique et la déflation.

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  1. Japonisation. État d’être influencé par les cultures japonaises.
  2. (Économie) La stagnation économique et la déflation persistantes d’une économie nationale.
    • Japanification is the quasi-permanent stagnation of wages and opportunities for ordinary people, along with sufficient growth to avoid collapse, but not enough to avoid a gradual pressing grind on the the social bonds and expectations. In Japan we see low birth rates, growing alienation and a falling share of world GDP as the symptoms.  (Stirling Newberry, The Red Queen’s Money, TPMCafé, 2006)
    • As regards the US, even if Bullard is worried about the Japanification of America, there plenty of inflation hawks on the FOMC who are unconvinced of the need for urgency. Which is precisely why he went public in the first place.  (Mike Foster, The Japanification of America, Finantial News, 2010)


  • Japanization (1)
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