


Dérivé de Clinton avec le suffixe -ism. Le deuxième sens a probablement été formé sur le modèle de Bushism.

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\Prononciation ?\

Clintonism \Prononciation ?\

  1. Politique du président américain Bill Clinton.

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Clintonism \Prononciation ?\

  1. Phrase caractéristique de Bill Clinton ou dans son style.
    • President Clinton commenced the blathering with orotund Clintonisms: “The international community must take a side, not merely stand between the sides or on the sidelines.” With a side of fries.  (2002, P. J. O'Rourke, The CEO of the Sofa, )
    • Kerry had even borrowed a Clintonism in his remarks, transforming the Arkansas governor’s call for a “new covenant of social and personal responsibility” into his own call for a “social contract, a covenant wherein every right is matched with a responsibility.”  (2004, Michael Kranish, Brian C Mooney, Nina J Easton, John F. Kerry )
    • Another Clintonism that those who remember his administration fondly like to recall is the campaign semislogan, “It’s the economy, stupid.”  (2004, William Safire, The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time )
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