
See also: 关注


to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve; mountain pass
to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate
trad. (關注)
simp. (关注)




  1. to pay close attention to; to keep tabs on
    密切關注 / 密切关注   mìqiè guānzhù   to keep close tabs on
    高度關注 / 高度关注   gāodù guānzhù   to follow with great interest
    奧運會時候我們關注金牌運動員 [MSC, trad.]
    奥运会时候我们关注金牌运动员 [MSC, simp.]
    Àoyùnhuì de shíhou, wǒmen guānzhù jīnpái de yùndòngyuán. [Pinyin]
    During the Olympics we pay special attention to gold medalists.
  2. (Internet) to follow (online activity of an individual, organization, etc.)


Derived terms



  1. attention; focus; care; interest
    獲得普遍關注 / 获得普遍关注   huòdé pǔbiàn guānzhù   to garner widespread interest
    文件需要特別關注 [MSC, trad.]
    文件需要特别关注 [MSC, simp.]
    Zhè fèn de wénjiàn xūyào tèbié guānzhù. [Pinyin]
    This document needs special attention.
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