

Kanji in this term
Grade: S


懸かる (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana かかる, rōmaji kakaru)

  1. hang in the air etc.
  2. hang on
  3. depend on, rest on, fall on
    • 2011, Barack Obama, 中東と北アフリカに関するバラク・オバマの演説, translation of "Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa" by User:Lombroso:
      そして (せい) () (せい) (とう) (せい)は、究極的 (きゅうきょくてき)には行動力 (こうどうりょく)識見 (しきけん) (ゆう)する () (みん) ()かっている。
      Soshite seifu no seitōsei wa, kyūkyokuteki ni wa kōdōryoku ya shikiken o yūsuru shimin ni kakatte iru.
      and the legitimacy of governments will ultimately depend on active and informed citizens.



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