




सर्ग (sarga) m

  1. discharging, voiding, letting go or getting rid of (any excrement)
    Synonym: मलत्याग (malatyāga)
    • Mb. 13.162.35.राजमार्गे गवां मध्ये धान्यमध्ये च धर्मिणः। नोपसेवन्ति राजेन्द्र सर्गं मूत्रपुरीषयोः॥
  2. relinquishment, abandoning; giving up; letting go
  3. nature, natural property; disposition; tendency
  4. (Hinduism, Vedic) creation; emission or creation of matter
    • Bhāg 3.1.28. आराध्य विप्रान् स्मरमादिसर्गे
    • V 1.8. अस्याः सर्गविधौ प्रजापतिरभूच्चन्द्रो नु कान्तिप्रदः
    • सर्गक्रमsargakramaorder of creation
    1. (Hinduism) primary creation
      Antonym: प्रतिसर्ग (pratisarga)
    2. (Hinduism) beginning, origin or creation of the world, as opposed to its maintenance and dissolution
      Antonyms: स्थिति (sthiti), प्रलय (pralaya)
      • प्रलयस्थितिसर्गाणां कारणतां गतः Ku.2.6; R. 3.27
      • सर्गो नवविधस्तस्य प्राकृतो वैकृतस्तु यः Bhāg.3.1.13.
      • आ सर्गात्ā sargātfrom the beginning of the world
    3. (Hinduism) created world; nature, the universe
      Synonym: सृष्टि (sṛṣṭi)
      • Bg. 5.19. इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साभ्ये स्थितं मनः
      • सर्गेsargein the created world
  5. creature; created being
    Antonym: दैव (daiva)
  6. begetting, procreation
  7. offspring; child
  8. origin, start, beginning (of something)
  9. chapter, section, or canto (especially of a poem or an epic)
    Synonyms: अध्याय (adhyāya), प्रकरण (prakaraṇa), परिच्छेद (pariccheda)
    • सर्गबन्ध महाकाव्यम्sargabandha mahākāvyaman epic having several cantos
  10. stream, gush, rush, downpour (of any fluid)
    • सर्गं करोतिsargaṃ karotito cast or strike down
  11. (Vedic) horse
    1. (by extension) starting a horse race
    2. a herd let loose from a stable
  12. rush, onset, advance, (of any troop or host or swarm or multitude); sudden attack upon the enemy
  13. production of arms and ammunition of war
    Synonym: युद्धोपकरणोत्पादन (yuddhopakaraṇotpādana)
    • सर्गाणां चान्ववेक्षणम् Mb.12.59.44. (com. सर्गाणां रथादिनिर्माणानाम्)
  14. gust of wind; draught of air
  15. effort, perseverance, exertion
    Synonyms: प्रयत्न (prayatna), चेष्टा (ceṣṭā)
  16. determination; resolve; resolution; will
    Synonym: संकल्प (saṃkalpa)
    • गृहाण शस्त्रं यदि सर्ग एष ते R.3.51;14. 42; Śi.19.38.
  17. fainting; losing consciousness
    Synonym: मूर्छा (mūrchā)
    1. (figuratively) infatuation; fainting or swooning (over someone or something)
      Synonyms: मोह (moha), मूर्छा (mūrchā)
  18. assent, agreement
    Synonym: स्वीकृति (svīkṛti)
  19. shot; dart
  20. (grammar) visarga diacritic; an aspiration at the end of a word
    Synonyms: विसर्ग (visarga), ()

Proper noun

सर्ग (sarga) m

  1. (Hinduism) A name of Shiva.
  2. (Hinduism, Purana) A name of a son of Rudra
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