


ـهَا • (-hā) f sg

(enclitic form of هِيَ (hiya))
  1. her (bound object pronoun)
  2. it, its (bound object pronoun, referring to inanimate nouns of feminine gender)
  3. them, their (bound object pronoun, non-human)

Egyptian Arabic


ـها (-ha) f sg

  1. her (bound object pronoun)



From Middle Persian 𐭩𐭧𐭠 (-īhā).


  • Note: The plural suffix always bears the primary stress in a word. گفتگو (goftogú) - گفتگوها (goftogu-hấ)


ها (-hâ)

  1. A suffix forming the plural of a noun. Used for most nouns in colloquial language and inanimate nouns in formal language.

Usage notes

Although not reflected in all writing, this suffix should not attach the ه to the preceding character, though neither should any space should be written. In computing, this is accomplished with a zero-width non-joiner. For example, while some may write the plural of شب (šab, night) as شبها or شب ها (typically for convenience, as many Persian keyboards do not have a ZWNJ), the preferred normal form would be شب‌ها (šab-hâ), with the ب and ه separated, but without a substantial amount of intermediary space. Though this rule is not compulsory in general, and the suffix may be joined to the preceding word or separated, if the preceding word ends in a silent ه, it must be separated.


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