


  • IPA(key): [ˈt͡ʃʼəʁʷən]


кӏыгъун (č̣̍əġ°n) (transitive)

  1. to accompany, to escort
    Кӏалэм ихьэ закъо щэхъу кӏымыгъоу ежьагъ
    Č̣̍ālăm iḥă zāqo š̍ăχ° č̣̍əməġow ež̍āġ
    The boy went off without anyone accompanying him expect his dog.
    Лӏыжъым изакъоу кӏощтэп, зыгорэ кӏыгъун фае
    Ḷəẑəm izāqow č̣̍oš̍tăp, zəɣoră č̣̍əġ°n fāe
    The old man can't go alone, someone needs to escort him.
  2. to live with
    Шъузыр лӏым кӏыгъун ыдэрэп
    Ŝ°zər ḷəm č̣̍əġ°n ədărăp
    The woman doesn't accept living with the man.


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