
See also: двојка



двойка (dvójka) f

  1. two (the name of the numeral)
  2. anything numbered two (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 2 etc.)
  3. the school grade '2' (equivalent to 'F')
  4. pair, couple



дво́е (dvóje) + -ка (-ka)


  • IPA(key): [ˈdvojkə]
  • (file)


дво́йка (dvójka) f inan (genitive дво́йки, nominative plural дво́йки, genitive plural дво́ек)

  1. two
  2. (mark) two (out of five), poor; D mark, D grade
    Ста́влю тебе́ за э́то дво́йку.
    Stávlju tebé za éto dvójku.
    I grade your work as very poor.
    Он получи́л дво́йку по исто́рии.
    On polučíl dvójku po istórii.
    He got a poor grade for history; he didn't pass the history exam.
    на дво́йкуna dvójkuawfully, wretchedly, couldn't be worse
  3. (card games) two, deuce
    козы́рная дво́йкаkozýrnaja dvójkatwo of trumps
    дво́йка черве́йdvójka červéjthe two of hearts
  4. No 2 (bus, tram, etc.)
  5. pair-oar boat, pair, double sculls
  6. two-piece suit


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