


Blend of tea + jihadist.


teahadist (plural teahadists)

  1. (neologism, derogatory) An affiliate of the Tea Party movement, particularly an overzealous one.
    • 2011 August 1, Bill Baker, “Re: Haskell Breaks His Hand”, in alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, Usenet:
      Figures a teahadist would define jingoism as love of country.
    • 2011 August 6, Ray Fischer, “Re: More Obama Spending Won’t Do It and Stocks Know It”, in alt.politics.liberalism, Usenet:
      The anti-American teahadist screeches in outrage that Obama dares to cut taxes in order to help veterans.
    • 2011 September 20, REDRUM KILGORE [username], “Re: More Funny Stuff From The Obama White House? It's good to see President Obama finally giving up on any attempt at compromise with teahadists!”, in alt.fan.howard-stern, Usenet:
      It's good to see President Obama finally giving up on any attempt at compromise with teahadists!
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:teahadist.


See also

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