
See also: svabadībā



From svabads (free) + -ība. First mentioned in late 18th-century dictionaries.[1]


svabadība f (4th declension)

  1. (dated, now usually brīvība) freedom, liberty (situation without dependence, without constraints on movement)
    te mēžā lūdzējiem nekad netrūktu vietas, te visur tik svēts klusums un plaša svabadība!here in the forest the seekers never lack space, here everywhere there is sacred silence and broad freedom!
  2. (dated, now usually brīvība) freedom (situation in which a person or animal is not imprisoned, forced to stay in one place)
    laist gūstekni svabadībato let a prisoner go free (lit. in freedom)
    siltā laikā pa atvērtām durvīm cūka varēja aiziet svabadībāin the cold weather the pig could go free (lit. in freedom) by the open door
  3. (dated, now usually brīvība) freedom (state of unrestricted possibilities of action)
    saimniekam projām esot, puikas ieguva lielāku svabadībuthe owner being away, the boys got bigger freedom




  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), svabads”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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