soy boy


Alternative forms


From the idea that men who prefer soy to dairy and meat are weak and feminine[1], based on the popular myth that the naturally occurring phytoestrogen in soy feminizes men. See Wikipedia for more.


soy boy (plural soy boys)

  1. (slang, derogatory, neologism) An effeminate man.
  2. (slang, derogatory, neologism) A male liberal, leftist or feminist.
    Synonyms: cuck, libtard, moonbat


  1. Paul Rozin; Julia M. Hormes; Myles S. Faith; Brian Wansink (October 2012), “Is Meat Male? A Quantitative Multi-Method Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships”, in Journal of Consumer Research, volume 39, issue 3, DOI:10.1086/664970: “To the strong, traditional, macho, bicep-flexing, All-American male, red meat is a strong, traditional, macho, bicep-flexing, All-American food. Soy is not. To eat it, they would have to give up a food they saw as strong and powerful like themselves for a food they saw as weak and wimpy.”
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