
See also: sokkō



Variant of sokea, from Proto-Finnic *sokeda, though the exact method of derivation is unclear.



  1. blind man's buff (children's game in which a blindfolded person tries to catch the other players)
  2. blindman (the blindfolded person in this game, also called "It")
  3. Someone who is temporarily unable to see, either due to being blinded or because something essential is hidden from that person, as in a "blind test".
  4. (dated) blind person


Inflection of sokko (Kotus type 1/valo, kk-k gradation)
nominative sokko sokot
genitive sokon sokkojen
partitive sokkoa sokkoja
illative sokkoon sokkoihin
singular plural
nominative sokko sokot
accusative nom. sokko sokot
gen. sokon
genitive sokon sokkojen
partitive sokkoa sokkoja
inessive sokossa sokoissa
elative sokosta sokoista
illative sokkoon sokkoihin
adessive sokolla sokoilla
ablative sokolta sokoilta
allative sokolle sokoille
essive sokkona sokkoina
translative sokoksi sokoiksi
instructive sokoin
abessive sokotta sokoitta
comitative sokkoineen


  • (blind man's buff): sokkoleikki, sokkosilla olo

Derived terms

  • sokkosilla
  • sokkosille


  • sokkopeli
  • sokkosyöttö
  • sokkotutkimus
  • sokkovaihto

See also

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