


shitpost + -er or shit + poster


shitposter (plural shitposters)

  1. (Internet, slang, vulgar, derogatory) A person who makes worthless posts on a messageboard, newsgroup, or other online discussion platform.
    • 1999 March 9, Esko Illi [username], “Re: I have returned”, in alt.rock-n-roll.metal.metallica, Usenet:
      You shitposters, take some advice: either you start to post something worth reading, or optionally get the hell out of here, hunt down James and tell him personally Metallica sucks, ok?
    • 2008 July 6, Eric Gisse, “Re: Gravitational Order”, in, Usenet:
      Why are you morons encouraging this shitposter?
    • 2013 January 14, Deepfriedice [username], “Re: Winduh 8 Piles (TM) cannot do a safe fast shutdown”, in 24hoursupport.helpdesk, Usenet:
      If you are a troll, just leave this newsgroup - it already has enough shitposters without you.
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:shitposter.


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