


  • IPA(key): /ˈpʰʊɹːa/
  • Rhymes: -ʊɹːa

Etymology 1


purra f (genitive singular purru, plural purrur)

  1. (dialectal) testicle
Declension of purra
f1 singular plural
indefinite definite indefinite definite
nominative purra purran purrur purrurnar
accusative purru purruna purrur purrurnar
dative purru purruni purrum purrunum
genitive purru purrunnar purra purranna

Etymology 2

From Latin porrum.


purra f (genitive singular purru, plural purrur)

  1. leek
Declension of purra
f1 singular plural
indefinite definite indefinite definite
nominative purra purran purrur purrurnar
accusative purru purruna purrur purrurnar
dative purru purruni purrum purrunum
genitive purru purrunnar purra purranna


(index pu)


From Proto-Finnic *purdak, from Proto-Uralic *pore-. Cognates include Estonian purema and Northern Sami borrat.


  • IPA(key): /ˈpurːɑˣ/, [ˈpurːɑ(ʔ)]
  • Hyphenation: pur‧ra
  • Rhymes: -urːɑ



  1. (transitive) To bite (more or less continuously, with the moment temporally not confined).


Inflection of purra (Kotus type 67/tulla, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. puren en pure 1st sing. olen purrut en ole purrut
2nd sing. puret et pure 2nd sing. olet purrut et ole purrut
3rd sing. puree ei pure 3rd sing. on purrut ei ole purrut
1st plur. puremme emme pure 1st plur. olemme purreet emme ole purreet
2nd plur. purette ette pure 2nd plur. olette purreet ette ole purreet
3rd plur. purevat eivät pure 3rd plur. ovat purreet eivät ole purreet
passive purraan ei purra passive on purtu ei ole purtu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. purin en purrut 1st sing. olin purrut en ollut purrut
2nd sing. purit et purrut 2nd sing. olit purrut et ollut purrut
3rd sing. puri ei purrut 3rd sing. oli purrut ei ollut purrut
1st plur. purimme emme purreet 1st plur. olimme purreet emme olleet purreet
2nd plur. puritte ette purreet 2nd plur. olitte purreet ette olleet purreet
3rd plur. purivat eivät purreet 3rd plur. olivat purreet eivät olleet purreet
passive purtiin ei purtu passive oli purtu ei ollut purtu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. purisin en purisi 1st sing. olisin purrut en olisi purrut
2nd sing. purisit et purisi 2nd sing. olisit purrut et olisi purrut
3rd sing. purisi ei purisi 3rd sing. olisi purrut ei olisi purrut
1st plur. purisimme emme purisi 1st plur. olisimme purreet emme olisi purreet
2nd plur. purisitte ette purisi 2nd plur. olisitte purreet ette olisi purreet
3rd plur. purisivat eivät purisi 3rd plur. olisivat purreet eivät olisi purreet
passive purtaisiin ei purtaisi passive olisi purtu ei olisi purtu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. pure älä pure 2nd sing. ole purrut älä ole purrut
3rd sing. purkoon älköön purko 3rd sing. olkoon purrut älköön olko purrut
1st plur. purkaamme älkäämme purko 1st plur. olkaamme purreet älkäämme olko purreet
2nd plur. purkaa älkää purko 2nd plur. olkaa purreet älkää olko purreet
3rd plur. purkoot älkööt purko 3rd plur. olkoot purreet älkööt olko purreet
passive purtakoon älköön purtako passive olkoon purtu älköön olko purtu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. purren en purre 1st sing. lienen purrut en liene purrut
2nd sing. purret et purre 2nd sing. lienet purrut et liene purrut
3rd sing. purree ei purre 3rd sing. lienee purrut ei liene purrut
1st plur. purremme emme purre 1st plur. lienemme purreet emme liene purreet
2nd plur. purrette ette purre 2nd plur. lienette purreet ette liene purreet
3rd plur. purrevat eivät purre 3rd plur. lienevät purreet eivät liene purreet
passive purtaneen ei purtane passive lienee purtu ei liene purtu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st purra present pureva purtava
long 1st2 purrakseen past purrut purtu
2nd inessive1 purressa purtaessa agent1, 3 purema
instructive purren negative purematon
3rd inessive puremassa 1) Usually with a possessive suffix.

2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural.
3) Does not exist in the case of intransitive verbs. Do not confuse with nouns formed with the -ma suffix.

elative puremasta
illative puremaan
adessive puremalla
abessive purematta
instructive pureman purtaman
4th nominative pureminen
partitive puremista
5th2 puremaisillaan

Derived terms





  1. bite



From Proto-Finnic *purdak, from Proto-Uralic *pore-.



  1. to bite



From Proto-Finnic *purdak, from Proto-Uralic *pore-.


purra (first-person singular present purõn, first-person singular past purin)

  1. to bite


This verb needs an inflection-table template.


  • "purra" in Vadja keele sõnaraamat
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