


Possibly related to spook.



  1. (folklore) goblin, hobgoblin, gnome, gremlin (mythical man-like creature, often depicted hairy, tailed and mischievous)
  2. troll (in modern children's literature often a good-natured forest-dwelling humanoid)
  3. hobgoblin (cause of dread, fear or apprehension)


Inflection of peikko (Kotus type 1/valo, kk-k gradation)
nominative peikko peikot
genitive peikon peikkojen
partitive peikkoa peikkoja
illative peikkoon peikkoihin
singular plural
nominative peikko peikot
accusative nom. peikko peikot
gen. peikon
genitive peikon peikkojen
partitive peikkoa peikkoja
inessive peikossa peikoissa
elative peikosta peikoista
illative peikkoon peikkoihin
adessive peikolla peikoilla
ablative peikolta peikoilta
allative peikolle peikoille
essive peikkona peikkoina
translative peikoksi peikoiksi
instructive peikoin
abessive peikotta peikoitta
comitative peikkoineen

See also

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