

(index kr)


From Swedish kropp.


  • IPA(key): [ˈkro̞pːɑ]
  • Hyphenation: krop‧pa
  • Rhymes: -opːɑ



  1. (colloquial) body (physical structure of a human)


Inflection of kroppa (Kotus type 10/koira, pp-p gradation)
nominative kroppa kropat
genitive kropan kroppien
partitive kroppaa kroppia
illative kroppaan kroppiin
singular plural
nominative kroppa kropat
accusative nom. kroppa kropat
gen. kropan
genitive kropan kroppien
partitive kroppaa kroppia
inessive kropassa kropissa
elative kropasta kropista
illative kroppaan kroppiin
adessive kropalla kropilla
ablative kropalta kropilta
allative kropalle kropille
essive kroppana kroppina
translative kropaksi kropiksi
instructive kropin
abessive kropatta kropitta
comitative kroppineen




  • IPA(key): /ˈkʰrɔhpa/
  • Rhymes: -ɔhpa


kroppa (weak verb, third-person singular past indicative kroppaði, supine kroppað)

  1. (transitive, intransitive, governs the accusative) to pick
    • 2004 Icelandic Web of Science: Af hverju skilja sár eftir sig ör? (“Why do wounds scar?”)
      Ef kroppað er í sár á meðan það er að gróa grær það hægar og getur örið sem myndast legið dýpra fyrir vikið.
      A picked wound heals slower and the resulting scar may form deeper for that reason.
    kroppa kjöt af beini.
    To pick a bone.
    Hættu að kroppa í sárið.
    Stop picking the wound.
  2. (transitive, intransitive, governs the accusative, of birds) to peck, to crop
    • 1928, Krummavísa (“Raven Song”, on the Icelandic Wikisource) by Jón Ásgeirsson
      Krummi krunkar úti,
      kallar á nafna sinn:
      „Ég fann höfud af hrúti
      hrygg og gæruskinn.“
      Komdu nú og kroppaðu með mér,
      krummi nafni minn.
      “Krummi croaks outside,
      calling his namesake:
      ‘I found the head of a ram,
      backbone and sheepskin.’
      Come now and peck with me,
      Krummi, my namesake.”
  3. (transitive, intransitive, governs the accusative) to graze syn.



Derived terms

  • kroppa í
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