


From Proto-Slavic *krěsati, *kresati (compare Russian кресать (kresát’), Polish krzosać).


  • IPA(key): /krěsati/
  • Hyphenation: kre‧sa‧ti


krèsati impf (Cyrillic spelling крѐсати)

  1. (transitive) to prune, trim, cut, clip
    kresati graneto trim branches
    kresati stablo/drvoto prune a tree
  2. (transitive, slang) to have sex
    kresao sam mu sestru dok je bio na ljetovanju/letovanjuI was having sex with his sister while he was on vacation
  3. (transitive) to reduce, cut, decrease
    kresali smo budžet sve dok ga nismo uravnotežiliwe kept cutting the budget until we balanced it
  4. (transitive, with dative) to speak openly and harshly
    nemoj mi kresati te gluposti u brk!stop telling me telling that nonsense off to my face!


Derived terms


  • kresati” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • kresati”, in Речник српскохрватскога књижевног језика (in Serbo-Croatian), volume 2, Друго фототипско издање edition, Нови Сад, Загреб: Матица српска, Матица хрватска, 1967–1976, published 1990, page 55
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