

Alternative forms

  • inmillarsi


immillare (to increase thousandfold) + -si (oneself, enclitic reflexive pronoun)
Surface analysis: in- (derivational prefix) + mille (one thousand) + -arsi (reflexive 1st conjugation verbal suffix)


  • IPA(key): /im.milˈ, [immil̺ˈl̺är̺s̪i]
  • Rhymes: -arsi
  • Stress: immillàrsi
  • Hyphenation: im‧mil‧lar‧si



  1. reflexive of immillare
    1. (literary, intransitive) to increase thousandfold, to multiply indefinitely
      • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Paradiso, Le Monnier, published 2002, Canto XXVIII, page 506:
        L'incendio suo seguiva ogne scintilla; ¶ ed eran tante, che 'l numero loro ¶ più che 'l doppiar de li scacchi s'inmilla.
        Their coruscation all the sparks repeated; ¶ and they so many were, their number makes ¶ more millions than the doubling of the chess.
      • 1903, Gabriele D'Annunzio, “Il vento scrive”, in Alcyone, Madrigali dell'estate:
        E par che nell’immenso arido viso ¶ della piaggia s'immilli il tuo sorriso.
        And your smile seems to multiply itself, in the vast arid visage of the beach.


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