


  • IPA(key): [ˈfɒlɒt]
  • Hyphenation: fa‧lat

Etymology 1

fal (to devour) + -at


falat (plural falatok)

  1. (of food) mouthful, bite
Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative falat falatok
accusative falatot falatokat
dative falatnak falatoknak
instrumental falattal falatokkal
causal-final falatért falatokért
translative falattá falatokká
terminative falatig falatokig
essive-formal falatként falatokként
inessive falatban falatokban
superessive falaton falatokon
adessive falatnál falatoknál
illative falatba falatokba
sublative falatra falatokra
allative falathoz falatokhoz
elative falatból falatokból
delative falatról falatokról
ablative falattól falatoktól
Possessive forms of falat
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. falatom falataim
2nd person sing. falatod falataid
3rd person sing. falata falatai
1st person plural falatunk falataink
2nd person plural falatotok falataitok
3rd person plural falatuk falataik
Derived terms
  • falatozik

Etymology 2

fal (wall) + -at (accusative case ending)



  1. accusative singular of fal
    Lefestettem a falat. - I painted the wall.
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