


Reduced compound of en (in) + boa (good) + hora (time).


  • IPA(key): /emˈbɔ.ɾa̝/
  • Hyphenation: em‧bo‧ra



  1. (dated) luckily; happily; in good time; at the moment
    • 1703, José Noguerol y Camba, Versos Gallegos:
      E desde agora convido / Os presentes para outra obra / Como esta, se è que vivimos, / Se non, quedaybos embora
  2. (archaic) away, hence
    • 1423, X. Ferro Couselo (ed.), A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI. Vigo: Galaxia, page 120:
      por quanto diso que él non matara ao dito Gonçaluo Ferrandes, et que se o dito Gonçaluo Ferrandes fora morto, que o fora por sua culpa, como aquel que o cometera de feito e de dereito, primeiramente chamándolle vilaao, fodidincul, curnudo, priuado, perro treedor, dizéndolle outros deostos et injurias atroçes et queréndoo matar dentro en sua casa do dito Johán Ferrandes, deytándolles golpes primeiramente con hua espada nua et cortándolle a roupa que tiña vestida et cuberta con a dita sua espada, defendéndose él dél et dizéndolle que se fose en boa ora
      because he said that he didn't kill Gonzalo Fernández, and that if this Gonzalo Fernández was dead, it was his own fault, as committed de facto and de jure, first calling him villain, assfucked, horned, private lover, traitor dog, and other affronts and terrible insults, and wanting to kill him inside the house of the aforementioned Xoán Fernández, hitting him first with drawn sword and cutting the clothes he was wearing, the latter defending himself and telling him to go away



  1. although (used with subjunctive, introducing a clause that expresses a concession)


  • aínda que, malia, inanque, porén


  • embora” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006-2013.
  • embora” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.



Reduced compound of em (in) + boa (good) + hora (time).


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ẽ.ˈbɔ.ɾa/, /ẽ.ˈbɔ.ɾɐ/, /ĩ.ˈbɔ.ɾɐ/
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /ẽ.ˈbɔ.ɾɐ/
  • Hyphenation: em‧bo‧ra


embora (not comparable)

  1. away; hence (from this place)
    Go away!
  2. home (to one’s home)
    Eu vou embora.
    I'm going home.

Derived terms



  1. although (used with subjunctive, introducing a clause that expresses a concession)
    Embora tenha chovido, fui à escola.
    Although it had rained, I went to school.


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