


ekonomi f (indefinite plural ekonomi, definite singular ekonomia, definite plural ekonomitë)

  1. economy
  2. economics




eko- + -nomi



  1. The Finnish title and/or job title used of graduates in economics or business administration (usage has varied; see usage notes below).
  2. (Since 1980) Master of Business Administration, Master of Economic Sciences
  3. (Prior to 1980) Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Economic Sciences
  4. (Common loose usage) economist (talousmies, ekonomisti).

Usage notes

  • In Finland, the use of titles in addressing and talking about people is widespread, and titles are created for many professions and the holders of most degrees. The best translation in English would be to say "s/he has an MBA" (or BBA).
  • Before 1980, the term ekonomi was the name of the Finnish bachelor's degree in business administration and economics (called either Bachelor of Economic Sciences [B.Sc. (Econ.)] or Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA] in English-speaking countries). From 1980 to 1995, it was the name of the equivalent master's degree. Since 1995, it is a title and job title that graduates with an MBA are entitled to use. The term is of course still used of and by graduates who received the equivalent bachelor's degree prior to 1980. In addition, the term was and is widely used in ordinary language to refer to experts in economics, in other words economists (ekonomistit).


Inflection of ekonomi (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation)
nominative ekonomi ekonomit
genitive ekonomin ekonomien
partitive ekonomia ekonomeja
illative ekonomiin ekonomeihin
singular plural
nominative ekonomi ekonomit
accusative nom. ekonomi ekonomit
gen. ekonomin
genitive ekonomin ekonomien
partitive ekonomia ekonomeja
inessive ekonomissa ekonomeissa
elative ekonomista ekonomeista
illative ekonomiin ekonomeihin
adessive ekonomilla ekonomeilla
ablative ekonomilta ekonomeilta
allative ekonomille ekonomeille
essive ekonomina ekonomeina
translative ekonomiksi ekonomeiksi
instructive ekonomein
abessive ekonomitta ekonomeitta
comitative ekonomeineen



eko- + -nomi


  • (file)


ekonomi c

  1. economy


Declension of ekonomi 
Indefinite Definite
Nominative ekonomi ekonomin
Genitive ekonomis ekonomins
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