

Alternative forms


Not found in Classical Latin. First recorded in the Capitularies of Charlemagne.

Such a late attestation likely was caused by Germanic origin, namedly borrowing from Frankish *drapi, *drāpi (that which is fulled, drabcloth)[1] from Proto-Germanic *drap-, *drēp- (something beaten), from *drepaną (to beat, strike), from Proto-Indo-European *dʰrebʰ- (to beat, crush, make or become thick)[2]. Cognate with English drub (to beat), Low German drapen (to strike, manage, work), German treffen (to meet), Swedish dräpa (to slay). More at drub.

Compare Medieval Latin alternative form trapus (Spanish trapo), possibly from or influenced by Frankish *traba, *trapa (cloth, thread, rag), from Proto-Germanic *trabō, *trafą, *trēb (fringe, rags), from Proto-Indo-European *dreHp- (rag). Cognate with Old High German traba (fringe, tatters, thread), Old Norse traf (headscarf), Middle English trappe (trappings, personal belongings), Middle English trappen (to outfit, deck).

Alternatively, may be a borrowing from Gaulish *drappo (shred, torn-off piece),[3] from Proto-Indo-European *drep- (to scratch, tear), compare Welsh drab (piece, shred) and drabio (to tear into pieces).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈdrap.pus/, [ˈdrap.pʊs]


drappus m (genitive drappī); second declension[4]

  1. (Late Latin) piece of cloth


Second-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative drappus drappī
Genitive drappī drappōrum
Dative drappō drappīs
Accusative drappum drappōs
Ablative drappō drappīs
Vocative drappe drappī



  1. onlinedictionary.com
  2. Skeat, An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, "Drab."
  3. Robert K. Barnhart, ed., Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, s.v. "drab" (NY: Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd., 2003).
  4. drappus in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
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