


From change + -ling.


  • IPA(key): /ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒlɪŋ/
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changeling (plural changelings)

  1. (mythology) In pre-modern European mythology, an infant that was secretly exchanged for a mother's own baby by an evil creature. (In British, Irish and Scandinavian mythology the exchanged infants were thought to be those of fairies, sprites or trolls; in other places, they were ascribed to witches, devils, or demons.)
    • 1961, Muriel Saint Clare Byrne, Elizabethan Life in Town and Country, page 285:
      His nurse had told him all about changelings, and how the little people would always try to steal a beautiful human child out of its cradle and put in its stead one of their own ailing, puking brats []
  2. (informal, rare) An infant secretly exchanged with another infant by mistake or by human doing; swapling.
  3. (science fiction and fantasy) An organism which can change shape to mimic others.
  4. (obsolete) A simpleton; an idiot.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Macaulay to this entry?)
    • Dryden
      Changelings and fools of heaven, and thence shut out.
  5. (obsolete) One apt to change; a waverer.
    • Shakespeare
      Fickle changelings.



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