black mamba



Predominantly the Zulu language iMamba[1]

A black mamba


black mamba (plural black mambas)

  1. A large venomous snake found in Africa, taxonomic name Dendroaspis polylepis. Despite the name, this species of snake is not black; its colour ranges widely from olive-brown, khaki or grey, sometimes to darker hues, especially when old. The inside of the mouth is black, but in spite of a recent urban legend there is no indication that that has anything to do with the name "black mamba", which is a much older usage than any such suggestion.[2]



  1. Frederick William Fitzsimons (1912) The Snakes of South Africa: Their Venom and the Treatment of Snake Bite, T. M. Miller, pages 194–195
  2. Cape Monthly Magazine, 1876
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