


From baloney + -ium. See baloney (nonsense).


balonium (uncountable)

  1. A fictional chemical element.
    • 1990, Analog science fact, science fiction: Volume 110
      I assumed starship fuel (antimatter or balonium) could be produced from electricity with perfect conversion, so it cost exactly what electricity did — good enough for the one-digit-or-so accuracy needed.
    • 1993, American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education
      Suppose that we have a Geiger counter and we are able to make measurements, during a ten hour period, of the balonium sample.
    • 2004, Mark T. Holtzapple, W. Dan Reece, Concepts in Engineering
      The data in Table 7.7 were taken for the highly radioactive element balonium-245.


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