at stake


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Prepositional phrase

at stake

  1. (idiomatic) At issue, at risk.
    What is at stake in these next 20 minutes is the championship.
    Doesn't he realize that all of our lives are at stake here too?
    • c. 1601, William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, Act III, Scene 3,
      I see my reputation is at stake
      My fame is shrewdly gored.
    • 1713, Joseph Addison, Cato, a Tragedy, London: J. Tonson, Act I, Scene 4, p. 14,
      How, Lucia, wou’dst thou have me sink away
      In pleasing Dreams, and lose my self in Love,
      When ev’ry moment Cato’s Life’s at Stake?
    • 1818, Jane Austen, Persuasion, Chapter 5,
      [] as I have a great deal more at stake on this point than anybody else can have, I think it rather unnecessary in you to be advising me.


See also

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