


aamu (morning) + kampa (comb)



  1. (military slang) A "morning comb"; a comb in which every tooth represents one remaining morning in the military service - every morning one tooth is removed. The comb can then be displayed to younger soldiers for their envy.
  2. (figuratively, by extension) The remaining last days of anything.
    Teemu Selänteen aamukammassa on enää viisi piikkiä. (lit. There are only five teeth left in Teemu Selänne's morning comb.)
    Teemu Selänne has only five days to go.


Inflection of aamukampa (Kotus type 9/kala, mp-mm gradation)
nominative aamukampa aamukammat
genitive aamukamman aamukampojen
partitive aamukampaa aamukampoja
illative aamukampaan aamukampoihin
singular plural
nominative aamukampa aamukammat
accusative nom. aamukampa aamukammat
gen. aamukamman
genitive aamukamman aamukampojen
partitive aamukampaa aamukampoja
inessive aamukammassa aamukammoissa
elative aamukammasta aamukammoista
illative aamukampaan aamukampoihin
adessive aamukammalla aamukammoilla
ablative aamukammalta aamukammoilta
allative aamukammalle aamukammoille
essive aamukampana aamukampoina
translative aamukammaksi aamukammoiksi
instructive aamukammoin
abessive aamukammatta aamukammoitta
comitative aamukampoineen
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