Sky Fairy

See also: sky fairy



From sky + fairy, in reference to the usual conception of the Abrahamic God as a supernatural being resident in Heaven.

Proper noun

Sky Fairy

  1. (derogatory slang, possibly offensive) Synonym of God, particularly the Abrahamic God.
    • 2007 October 25, ScottyFLL [username], “Re: Dr. Francis Collins on The Colbert Report”, in alt.atheism, Usenet:
      Because theists are forgiven by the Sky Fairy. So they can be as bad as they wanna be.
    • 2010 June 29, Major Debacle [username], “What's the difference between the Taliban and the Christian right?”, in alt.religion.christian, Usenet:
      ... other than the fact that they have different names for the Sky Fairy?
    • 2011 March 11, Kevin N, “Re: OT: Monster Quake and Tsunami in Pacific”, in, Usenet:
      Which is pretty much the tantamount to saying the Sky Fairy sent the tsunami to punish man's wickedness, i.e utter nonsense.


Derived terms

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