


  • IPA(key): /tuːˈθaʊ.zəndˈtɛnz/ ("two thousand tens"), IPA(key): /twɛn.tiˈtɛnz/ ("twenty tens")


2010s pl (plural only)

  1. The decade from 2010 to 2019.

Usage notes

  • When the first nine years of the 2000s ended, some people went back to the old pre-2000 formula of pronouncing years, leading to the pronunciations "twenty ten", "twenty eleven", "twenty twelve" etc. Others, however, continued the new post-1999 formula of pronouncing years, leading to the pronunciations "two thousand ten", "two thousand eleven", "two thousand twelve" etc. Both pronunciations are used, however the "twenty ten" pronunciation seems to be more popular.

See also


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