


-sima (v-v?, additive?)

  1. Denotes perfective aspect, completed action.
    • 1982 August 4, "Qalasersuaq kujalleq Ammassalimmut nuunneqarallartoq", Atuagagdliutit / Grønlandsposten
      Michael Treen oqaluttuarpoq Ammassalik toqqarneqarsimasoq pissusiata sikuijuitsumut[sic, meaning sikuiuitsumut] kujallermut eqqaanarnera pissutigalugu.
      Michael Treen relates that Ammassalik was chosen because of the similarity of its nature to that of the Antarctic Ocean ["the Southern ice-sea"].
    • 1992, Erik Münster (quoting anonymous), "Kinguaassiuutikkut nappaataava", Atuagagdliutit
      Pasipiluppara kinguaassiuutitigut nappaat herpes pineqarsoralugu, tassami pineqartumut receptimi allassimammat tarnut Zovirax.
      I strongly suspect that the person in question has the venereal disease of herpes, for a prescription for Zovirax cream was written to the person in question.
    • 1988, "AIDS-INFO", Atuagagdliutit
      Naqitigaaqqat AIDS pillugu paasisitsiniutit Afrikami kujallermi umiarsualivinnut agguaanneqarsimapput umiartortut nappaassuarmut ulorianartumut taassumunnga mianersoqquniarlugit, ...
      Pamphlets informing about AIDS were distributed to harbours in South Africa, so as to warn sailors against this dangerous big disease [nappaassuaq "big disease" might be idiomatic], ...
    • 1992 21/8, "Usuni kipigaa", Atuagagdliutit, p. 11
      Qanittukkut aviisini eqqartorneqarpoq qallunaap usuni kipisimagaa nuliama itigartitsiuarnera naalliuutigingaaramiuk.
      Recently, there was a story in the papers about a Dane who cut off his/her penis because he/she was very pained by his/her wife's persistent rejections.
    • 1992, "Meeqqakka", Atuagagdliutit/Grønlandsposten
      Ernerput anguteqatiminoortartunngorsimavoq (19-inik ukioqarluni paasineqarpoq), niviarsiararlu nukarleq arnaqatiminoortartunngorsimalluni.
      Our son has become gay (it was discovered when he was 19 years old), and the youngest girl has become a lesbian.
  2. Denotes that the speaker is certain of something, without having personally experienced it.

Further reading

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