


  • IPA(key): /ɔj/ (Standard)
  • IPA(key): /oj/



  1. suffix used for 1st person singular (active voice) - indicative, present form. Only used for verbs with an o-stem and for I-I-1a verb types (I-I-1a: conjugation I, class I, subclass 1a)
  2. Forms verbs from nouns
    zhurmë (noise(s)) + -ojzhurmoj (I make noise(s))
  3. Forms verbs from adjectives
    shkurt (short) + -ojshkurtoj (I cut; I make short)



  • IPA(key): /oːx/



  1. Forms nouns from verbs
    q’o’ (to paint; to embroider)q’o’oj (embroidery; adornment)
    lochij (to sprinkle water with hands)loch’oj (patch of ground reserved for garden)
  2. Forms (more specific) verbs from verbs
    toq’ (to gore, to stab)toq’oj (to stab to death)
    sik’ (to pick up or find on the ground)sik’oj (to collect; to pick up)
  3. Forms verbs from nouns
    jos (hoe, sickle)josoj (to scrape)
    bis (sadness)bisoj (to be sad about something)
  4. (uncommon) Forms verbs from adjectives
    tz’il (dirty)tz’iloj (to make dirty)
    k’ix (hairy; spiny)k’ixoj (to prick)
  5. (rarely) Forms verbs from adjectives
    poq’ij (to pop)poq’oj (boiled)
  6. (rarely) Forms resultative nouns from nouns
    chak (work)chakoj (profit)


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