Titan A.E. is a 2000 animated film about a young man who learns that he has to find a hidden Earth ship before an enemy alien species does in order to secure the survival of humanity.

Directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman. Written by Ben Edlund, Joss Whedon and John August.
Get Ready For the Human RaceTaglines


Cale: [to Tek, after escaping from Po and his cronies] I've got to be scarce for a while.
Korso: [slides into the seat next to Cale] You don't know the half of it.
Cale: Are you still bothering people? Hey, Go away!
Korso: [to Tek] Great job with the kid, Tek. He's a charmer.

Preed: [Sarcastically] Such motherly concern for the subject.
Cale: Why am I naked?
Preed: You positively glow with maternal warmth Akima- it's very touching. I must have you.
Akima: In your dreams.
Preed: Akrennians don't dream, remember?
Akima: They don't bathe much either.

Akima: Hand me the probe.
Cale: The probe! Where does the probe go?

Akima: [while healing Cale's thigh] This is just great cross half the galaxy we nearly get our butts shot off by the drej. So we can rescue the window washer.

Cale: Hey, for your information! I happen to be humanity's last great hope.
Preed: I weep for the species.

Cale: I'm the guy with the map here and this is big medicine right.
Akima: Big medicine, let me see [as she looks at the map in the palm of his hand] this is really it. This can save us?
Cale: [softly speaking] Yeah! [out loud] Yeah, I guess so.
Akima: Do you know what this means?
Cale: [slightly embarrassed due to being naked] I'm really wanting those pants by now.

Preed: [highly disgusted by Cale and Akima smitten on each other] Do you mind, are we through pawing? This is the Valkyrie, not a singles bar.

Cale: You know I never said I was gonna help you guys, we didn't address "What's in it for me?".

Gune: [holding up a small device] Does this look familiar? Do you know what it is? Neither do I. I made it last night in my sleep. Apparently I used Gindrogac. Highly unstable.
Preed: Gune...
Gune: I put at button on it. Yes. I wish to press it, but I'm not sure what will happen if I do.

Gune: Preed! Preed! Aren't you supposed to be watching for the Drej?
Preed: [not paying attention] Yes, Caveman. Drej bad, we good. Now go look at something shiny for a while.
Gune: I think you'd better look again!
[Preed looks up from the gun and sees Drej]
Gune and Preed: [shout] DREJ!

Akima: What exactly are we looking for?
Cale: This ship's going to help save mankind!
Akima: What exactly are we looking for?
Cale: Not a clue.

Korso: [after Preed captures Akima and Cale] How long were they standing there?
Akima: Long enough.
Cale: You lied. Everything you said, everything you told me...?
Korso: Not everything. Your father hid his ship, then the Drej killed him. All because he couldn't face the truth!
Cale: [angrily] Yeah?! What is the truth?!
Korso: That the human race is out of gas! It’s circling the drain! It’s finished! The only thing that matters is grabbing what you can before somebody else beats you to it.
Cale: No! I don't believe that!
Korso: Then you're even more like your father than I thought - a fool.

[Gune has been injured by a bomb]
Stith: Gune, are you all right?
Gune: I'm...all right...for business. [chokes] I'll just take a little...nap, since I'm so...very sleepy. [seemingly dies. However, he is seen in his ship, battling the Drej] I've finished my nap!

Akima: What are you going to call it?
Cale: I think I'm going to call it... 'Bob'.
Akima: Bob?
Cale: You don't like Bob?
Akima: You can't call a planet 'Bob'!
Cale: Oh, so now you're the boss. You're the king of Bob.
Akima: Well, no, but...
Cale: What?
Akima: Can't we just call it 'Earth'?
Cale: Well, no one said you had to live on Bob.
Akima: [laughing as she leans in to kiss Cale] I'm never calling it that.


  • Get ready for the human race.
  • Prepare for life after Earth.
  • When Earth ends, The Adventure Begins.
  • The Next Generation In Filmed Animation.


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