Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Movies: Thomas and the Magic Railroad / Calling All Engines! / The Great Discovery / Hero of the Rails / Misty Island Rescue / Day of the Diesels / Blue Mountain Mystery / King of the Railway / Tale of the Brave / The Adventure Begins / Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure / The Great Race / Journey Beyond Sodor / Big World! Big Adventures! The Movie | Main

The Great Race is a 2016 CGI animated Thomas & Friends musical-dramedy-adventure film. This special takes place between Season 20 and 21.


  • Oh, Thomas! Why would Sir Topham Hatt want to take a little tank engine like you to the Great Railway Show?


  • You can do anything you want to, Thomas, if you just put your mind to it.


  • [in a create on a ship] I'm full of surprises!


Thomas: Oh, wow! Who's this with 2 tenders? Hello, are you from the Other Railway? I was built on the Mainland you know. And once, a long time ago, I went back across with the other famous engines from Sodor.
2-Tendered Engine: Is that so? I didn't think there were famous engines on Sodor. Oh, hello, Gordon.
Thomas: Do you 2 know each other?
Gordon: Yes, Thomas, we know each other. This is my brother. They call him… The Flying Scotsman.
Flying Scotsman: Indeed they do. It almost makes me sound famous, doesn't it? Oh, Gordon, I wanted to tell you my news! I've been invited to take part in the Great Railway Show on the Mainland, I shall be racing!
Gordon: Ugh!
Thomas: The Great Railway Show? What's that?
Flying Scotsman: Oh, the Great Railway Show is where engines compete to see who's the fastest or the strongest or, what have you. But I'm not sure any engines from Sodor will be going.
Gordon: I wouldn't want to go anyway, not if it's full of engines like you always boasting about how exciting things are on the Mainland!
Thomas: Well, I want to go!
Flying Scotsman: Of course you do, Thomas, and with any luck, maybe you shall. Flying Scotsman, coming through!


Will You Won't You

Duck: It's gonna be special!
It's gonna be great!
Off to the Mainland without coaches or freight.
Stanley, Edward, Norman and Duck: Please, Sir, I beg you
I just have to know
Will you, won't you take me to the Railway Show?
Henry: Take me, Sir
I pull the heaviest trains
I'm such a mighty engine, Sir
It's never a strain
Gordon: [laughs] It's not a tough decision, though I have to confess
It's hard to find a better engine for the express.
Sir Topham Hatt: Mmm, precisely!
Gordon: But... I didn't mean not to take me, Sir!
Philip: [laughs] I know I'm kinda small, Sir, but I'm not a beginner
I had a race with Gordon once and I was the winner!
Gordon: Oh...
[Philip yelps]
Diesel: You ought to take me, Sir
I'm modern and new
Your first diesel ever
I'm loyal, kind and true
Percy, Emily and Sidney: It's gonna be special
It's gonna be great
Off to the Mainland without coaches or freight
Charlie, Scruff and Stafford: Please, Sir, I beg you
You can't tell me no
James: Will you, won't you take me to the Railway Show?
Flynn and Belle: Fast engines
Henry and Daisy: Long engines
Bill, Ben, Timothy and Marion: Tough engines
Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel and Peter Sam: Strong engines
Salty, Porter and Paxton: Everyone who's any engine's eager to go
Cranky: I'm not going anywhere.
Oliver, Bert, Rex and Mike: Will you, won't you take us to the Railway Show?
Stephen: It's gonna be special
It's gonna be great
Duck and the Scottish Twins: Leavin' behind all our coaches and freight
[Donald bumps into Winston]
Duck and the Scottish Twins: Please Sir, we're beggin'
Ya just can't say no
Gordon, James and Diesel: Will you, won't you take us to the Railway Show?
Henry, Duck and the Scottish Twins: Will you, won't you take us to the Railway Show?
Thomas: Will you won't you take me to the... Railway Show…?
[Gordon, James and Diesel laugh]




  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Kerry Shale as Henry, Gordon and Kevin
  • Rob Rackstraw as James and Stanley
  • Christopher Ragland as Percy
  • Jules de Jongh as Emily
  • Glenn Wrage as Spencer and Cranky
  • William Hope as Edward and the Dock Manager
  • David Menkin as Porter
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