Movimiento 15-M, also known as movement of the indignados, is a grassroots movement formed after the demonstrations of May 15th 2011 which created a series of pacific protests in Spain in order to promote a participative democracy, against the two-party system and its control from banks and multinational corporations, as well as a real division of powers and other measures with the intention of improving the democratic system.

These protests, along with the Arab Spring and the Greek protests, inspired the Occupy Movement.[citation needed]

Slogans seen in camps and demonstrations

  • «Democracia real ¡YA! No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros»
    • Real democracy NOW! We are not a commodity lying in the hands of politicians and bankers.
      • Main motto of the demonstration of May 15th. [citation needed]
  • «YES, WE CAMP».
    • in English
      • A tongue-in-cheek reference to Barack Obama's campaign slogan. [citation needed]
  • «Violencia es cobrar 600 euros».[1]
    • Violence is earning €600
  • «Ya tenemos Sol, ahora: ¡la luna!»
    • We already have Sol, now: the moon!

(Puerta del Sol, meaning Gate of the Sun is the square occupied by the protesters in Madrid). [citation needed]

  • «No es una crisis, ¡es el sistema!»
    • It's not a crisis, it's the system!
      • Main banner on the demonstration on July 24th [citation needed]
  • «No es una crisis... es que ya no te quiero»
      • It's not a crisis... I don't love you anymore
      • Main banner on the demonstration on July 24th [citation needed]
  • «Si viene la policía, sacad las uvas y disimulad»
    • If the police comes, take your grapes and pretend it's New Year's Eve.
      • (In Madrid, it is a custom to eat twelve grapes on New Year's Eve in Puerta del Sol) [citation needed]
  • «Follar cada cuatro años no es vida sexual, votar cada cuatro años no es vida electoral»
  • Fucking once every four years is not a sex life, voting once every four years is not an electoral life. [citation needed]
  • «Que nuestras conversaciones ahoguen las sirenas»
    • Our conversations will drown the sirens [citation needed]
  • «Pienso luego estorbo» [2]
    • I think, therefore I disturb [citation needed]
  • «La primavera ha llegado a Sol» [3]
    • Spring has come to Sol
    • Is a reference to a department store's slogan Spring has come to el Corte Inglés
  • «No somos anti-sistema, el sistema es anti-nosotros»
    • We are not anti-system, the system is anti-us [citation needed]
  • «Si no nos dejáis soñar, no os dejaremos dormir»
    • If you don't let us dream, we won't let you sleep [citation needed]
  • «Me sobra mes a final de sueldo»
    • I have month enough after my salary [citation needed]
  • «¿Dónde está la izquierda? Al fondo, a la derecha».
    • Where's the left? At the bottom, on the right [citation needed]
  • «Se alquila esclavo económico»
    • Economic slave for rent [citation needed]
  • «Error 404: Democracia not found»
    • Error 404: Democracy not found [citation needed]
  • «Error de sistema. Reinicie, por favor»
    • System error. Please reboot [citation needed]
  • «Esto no es una cuestión de izquierda contra derechas, es de los de abajo contra los de arriba»
    • It's not a question of left against right, it's the one's at the bottom against the ones on top [citation needed]
  • «Vivimos en un país donde licenciados están en paro, el presidente de nuestro gobierno no sabe inglés…y la oposición tampoco»
    • We live in a country where graduates are unemployed, the Prime Minister doesn't speak English… and the opposition either [citation needed]
  • «Mis sueños no caben en tus urnas» [citation needed]
  • «Nos mean y dicen que llueve!»
    • They piss on us and they say it's raining! [citation needed]
  • «No falta el dinero. Sobran ladrones»
    • There's no money missing. There's plenty of robbers [citation needed]
  • «¿Qué tal os va por España»?- Pues no nos podemos quejar. O sea, que bien ¿no?- no, que no nos podemos quejar.»
    • How's it going in Spain? - Well, we can't complain. So good, right? - No, we can't complain! [citation needed]
  • «No es una crisis, es una estafa»
    • It's not a crisis, it's a con. [citation needed]
  • «Nobody expected the #SPANISHREVOLUTION»
    • A reference to Monty Python's, Nobody expected the Spanish inquisition. [citation needed]
  • «No apagues la televisión… Podrías pensar»
    • Don't turn the TV off... You could start thinking. [citation needed]
  • «Tu futuro es ahora»
    • Your future is NOW [citation needed]
  • «¿Qué les vas a decir a tus hijos cuando te pregunten dónde estabas? ¿Viendo la tele?»
    • What are you going to tell your children when they ask you where you were? Watching TV? [citation needed]
  • «Manos arriba, esto es un contrato»
    • Hands up, this is a contract! [citation needed]
  • «Ni cara A, ni cara B, queremos cambiar de disco»
    • Nor side A, nor side B, we just want to change the record [citation needed]
  • «Rebeldes sin casa»
    • Rebels without a home [citation needed]
  • «Democracia, me gustas porque estás como ausente»
    • Democracy, I like you as if you were absent
      • Reference to Pablo Neruda's poem I like you calm, as if you were absent [citation needed]
  • «Nosotros buscamos razones, ellos victorias»
    • We are looking for reasons, they are looking for victories [citation needed]
  • «Cuando los de abajo se mueven, los de arriba se tambalean»
    • When the ones at the bottom move, the ones on top tremble [citation needed]
  • «Nos habéis quitado demasiado, ahora lo queremos TODO y lo queremos YA»
    • You have taken too much away from us, we want EVERYTHING and we want it NOW [citation needed]
  • «No nos vamos, nos mudamos a tu conciencia»
    • We're not leaving, we're moving to your conscience
      • Motto of the clearup of the camp in Sol [citation needed]
  • «Sabemos el camino de vuelta al Sol»
    • We know the way back to the Sun
      • Motto of the clearup of the camp in Sol (Sun as Puerta del Sol) [citation needed]

  • «Islandia es el camino» [4]
    • Iceland is our path
    • Banner hung on the Home Office building.
  • «Abajo el régimen»
    • Down with the regime
      • Graffitti on the Congress of Deputies' wall [5]

Public chants

  • «Que no, que no, que no nos representan».
    • No, no, they don't represent us. [citation needed]
  • «Lo llaman democracia y no lo es».
    • They call it democracy, but it isn't so [citation needed]
  • «El problema es el sistema, la solución: LA REVOLUCIÓN"
    • The problem is the system, the solution: REVOLUTION [citation needed]

See also



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