Regulate your manner of behaviour towards others, not according to your own humour, but agreeably to the pleasure and inclination of those with whom you converse. ~ Giovanni della Casa
In Company Shocked at a Lady Getting up to Ring the Bell (1805) James Gillray caricatured "A widow and her suitors, who seem to have forgot their manners in the intensity of their admiration."[1]

Etiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.


  • You ought to regulate your manner of behaviour towards others, not according to your own humour, but agreeably to the pleasure and inclination of those with whom you converse.
    • Giovanni della Casa, (1503-1556). Galateo: Or, A Treatise on Politeness and Delicacy of Manners
  • The stereotyped style of cultic representations was well known as early as the Neolithic age, but the stiffly ceremonial forms of courtly art are absolutely new and come into prominence here for the first time in the history of human culture. They reflect the rule of a higher, superindividual social order, of a world which owes its greatness and splendour to the favour of the king. They are anti-individualistic, static and conventional... All the good things and the charms of life are connected, for the privileged members of this society, with their separation from the other classes, and all the maxims which they follow assume more or less the character of rules of decorum and etiquette. This decorum and etiquette, the whole self-stylization of the upper class, demand among other things that one does not allow oneself to be portrayed as one really is, but according to how one must appear to conform with certain hallowed conventions, remote from reality and the present time. Etiquette is the highest law not merely for the ordinary mortal, but also for the king, and in the imagination of this society even the gods accept the forms of courtly ceremonial.
    • Arnold Hauser, The Social History of Art, Volume I. From Prehistoric Times to the Middle Ages, 1999
  • In Städten glaubt man, es gehöre zum guten Tone, nicht einmal zu wissen, wer in demselben Hause wohnt.
    • In cities people think that it is good manners not even to know who lives in the same building.
      • Adolph Freiherr Knigge, quoted in Der kleine Rechthaber: Wem gehört die Parklücke und andere juristische Überraschungen (2008) by Claus Murken, p. 79.
  • Dear Miss Manners: What about Easter? I suppose you have etiquette rules that apply to Easter Day?
    Gentle Reader: Certainly, and when the Day of Judgment comes, Miss Manners will have etiquette rules to apply to that, as well.
    • Judith Martin, Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  • Etiquette is a set of rules people use so they can be rude to each other in public.

See also

  1. Wright & Evans, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray (1851, OCLC 59510372), p. 473
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